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Military Leave of Absence (MLOA) FAQs


What is a military leave of absence?


A military leave of absence (MLOA) allows a student to be absent from the University for active military duty without penalty to admission status or grade point average and without loss of institutional financial aid. It also allows the student to be eligible for withdrawal from all or some classes with a full refund of tuition and fees or to be eligible for incomplete grades in classes for which he/she has successfully completed at least 50% of the coursework at the time of leave, if the student intends to complete the classes upon return from active duty. Military leaves of absences shall not exceed a cumulative five years. Graduate student LOAs are for a period of one year with annual extensions possible up to the five-year cumulative limit. Students apply for MLOA by submitting the appropriate form and supporting documentation. See FAQ #4.


For College of Veterinary Medicine DVM students, military obligations that conflict with matriculation will take two forms:


  • A military commitment that arises before the student matriculates in the DVM program. In this case, a deferred admission will be negotiated.
  • A military commitment that arises during matriculation. In this case, the student applies for a leave of absence, and the circumstances of return to the professional program will be negotiated and documented according to OSU policy. Due to the “once a year” design of most of the CVM curriculum, it may not be possible to return to the curriculum immediately after completing military duty.

What is the legal/policy basis for a military leave of absence?


Senate Bill 1830: Oklahoma Student Veteran Leave of Absence Act of 2014, effective July 1, 2014.

Who is eligible for a military leave of absence?


A currently enrolled OSU student (active OSU matriculation) who is a member of the active uniformed military services of the United States and is called to active duty is eligible to apply for an MLOA from OSU.


Per Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education policy, the following active duty service commitments are included under the military leave of absence provision:


  • A member of the armed forces [e.g., Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Navy] who performs a voluntary or involuntary military mission, exercise, or operation for a period of at least 30 days.
  • A member of the reserves who performs, voluntary or involuntary, federal active duty service or active duty training for a period of at least 30 days.
  • A member of the National Guard who performs, voluntary or involuntary, state or federal active duty service or active duty training for a period of at least 30 days.

How do students apply for a military leave of absence?


Undergraduate students apply for a MLOA by completing a Military Leave of Absence/Withdrawal Request in collaboration with their College or academic advisor and submitting it to the Office of the Registrar with a copy of their military orders.


Graduate students apply for an MLOA by:


  • Completing a Military Leave of Absence/Withdrawal Request in collaboration with the Graduate College and submitting it to the Office of the Registrar with a copy of their military orders; and
  • Completing a Graduate Student Leave of Absence Request Form and submitting it to the Graduate College. See the Graduate Student Leave of Absence Policy on the Graduate College webpage.

College of Veterinary Medicine students apply for an MLOA by:


  • Completing a Military Leave of Absence/Withdrawal Request in collaboration with CVM Student Services and submitting it to the Office of the Registrar with a copy of their military orders; and
  • Completing any necessary documents required by CVM. Contact the CVM Student Services Office (112 McElroy Hall, 405.744.6961,

What documents are required to apply for a military leave of absence?


The student should submit a Military Leave of Absence/Withdrawal Request to the Office of the Registrar along with a copy of the military orders. If military orders are not available at the time of withdrawal, they may be submitted at a later date. Tuition/fee refunds for dropped/withdrawn classes will be processed at the time military orders are provided by the student. Graduate students and College of Veterinary Medicine students see additional requirements in FAQ #4.

What is the maximum time limit for military leave of absence?


For any student, his/her military leaves of absences shall not exceed a cumulative five years. Graduate College MLOAs are granted for one academic year with annual extensions possible until the cumulative five-year limit is reached.

How are the start and end dates for a military leave absence determined?


The start date for an MLOA is the effective date supplied on the MLOA request, which is generally the withdrawal date. The MLOA end date is the first day of the term of the student’s enrollment at the University upon return from the MLOA.

What are the academic options for a student who is called to active military duty during an academic term?


A student who is called to active military duty during an enrolled term is eligible for one of the following options:


  • Full Withdrawal- Withdraw from all classes and receive a full refund of tuition and fees pertaining to the courses. The student should submit a Military Leave of Absence/Withdrawal Request to the Office of the Registrar along with a copy of the military orders. If military orders are not available at the time of withdrawal, they may be submitted at a later date at which time the refund will be applied. Graduate students and College of Veterinary Medicine students see additional requirements in FAQ #4.
  • Incomplete Grades- If the student has successfully completed at least 50% of coursework for a particular class at the time of leave and intends to complete the class upon return from active duty, then the instructor may assign an incomplete grade. Students should discuss with each instructor whether incomplete grades are preferable to withdrawing from the class and receiving a tuition/fee refund. The student should submit a Military Leave of Absence/Withdrawal Request to the Office of the Registrar along with a copy of the military orders, if available, so the MLOA can be noted in the student’s record. No refunds are issued because no courses are dropped. Graduate students and College of Veterinary Medicine students see additional requirements in FAQ #4.
  • Partial Withdrawal- Drop some classes while remaining enrolled in some classes and/or receiving incomplete grades in some classes. This option is appropriate for students who have completed short courses or pre-session courses prior to the call to active duty or for students who determine their active duty still allows them to complete online or independent study courses. This option is also appropriate if a student receives incomplete grades for some classes while dropping other classes. The student should submit a Military Leave of Absence/Withdrawal Request to the Office of the Registrar along with a copy of the military orders. The student will receive a full refund of tuition and fees pertaining to the dropped courses. If military orders are not available at the time of withdrawal, they may be submitted at a later date at which time the refund will be applied. Graduate students and College of Veterinary Medicine students see additional requirements in FAQ #4.
  • Partial Incomplete Grades and Partial Course Completion- Complete some classes and receive incomplete grades in some classes. This option is appropriate for students who receive incomplete grades in some classes and have completed short courses or pre-session courses prior to the call to active duty or determine their active duty still allows them to complete online or independent study classes. The student should submit a Military Leave of Absence/Withdrawal Request to the Office of the Registrar along with a copy of the military orders, if available, so the MLOA can be noted in the student’s record. No refunds are issued because no courses are dropped. Graduate students and College of Veterinary Medicine students see additional requirements in FAQ #4.

What refunds are possible if a student is called to active military duty during an academic term?


If a student is called to active military service during the term in which he or she is enrolled and has not completed sufficient work for receiving grades or incomplete grades, the University will refund full tuition and fees pertaining to withdrawn courses during that term. The student should submit a Military Leave of Absence/Withdrawal Request to the Office of the Registrar along with a copy of the military orders. If military orders are not available at the time of withdrawal, they may be submitted at a later date at which time the refund will be applied. Graduate students and College of Veterinary Medicine students see additional requirements in FAQ #4.


Students are eligible for a prorated refund of room and board fees. The student will be credited for the remainder of the semester. The official cancellation date will be the day the student officially checks out of his or her assigned residence hall unit. Students must complete a contract cancellation form in the Housing and Residential Life office in 100 Iba Hall.

How are my scholarships and financial aid affected by a military leave of absence?


Institutional Scholarships: Institutional Scholarships will remain intact if a student is granted an MLOA unless it is in the student’s best interest to have the award removed so he/she can be placed on an automatic deferment to retain the semester of eligibility.


Tuition Waivers: A Tuition Waiver is a type of aid used to offset the cost of tuition a student is charged. If a student is granted an MLOA, he/she will be granted a refund of tuition which means there will no longer be charges for the tuition waiver to offset. This will cause the tuition waiver to be reduced. The student will also receive an automatic deferment in order to preserve his/her semester of eligibility.


Federal Aid: The Scholarships and Financial Aid website addresses the federal regulations pertaining to federal aid:

How is my academic status affected by a military leave of absence?


Academic status is not jeopardized by an MLOA. For graduate students, the time-to-degree and course sunset academic policy provisions are suspended for the duration of the MLOA. CVM students on academic probation at the time the MLOA begins will resume the period of probation when they return.

May students still apply for a military leave of absence if they do not completely withdraw but continue to work on one or more classes while on active duty?


Undergraduate students may apply for an MLOA while still remaining enrolled in one or more classes. See FAQ #8.


Graduate students who are enrolled for the semester that they are assigned active military duty requiring a reduced, but not complete withdrawal from courses can seek permission from the Graduate College for reduced enrollment, but would not request an MLOA for that semester (because the Graduate College LOA is a complete withdrawal from the University). For a subsequent semester in which the student does not enroll in any courses due to active military duty assignment, the student would apply for an MLOA.

How does a student return after a military leave of absence?


Undergraduate students returning from a military leave of absence should submit a Notification of Intent to Re-Enroll for Students on Military Leave of Absence form at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the intended term of enrollment.


Graduate students should submit a Notification of Intent to Re-Enroll for Students on Military Leave of Absence form at least two months prior to the beginning of the intended term of enrollment. See the Graduate College.


College of Veterinary Medicine students returning from a military leave of absence should communicate with CVM Student Services at their earliest opportunity (112 McElroy Hall, 405.744.6961, Re-entry into the next possible point in the curriculum will be arranged after discussion.


Generally, a student will return to the same degree program as when the MLOA began. If the program is no longer offered at the University, the appropriate advising area will work with the student to find another degree program that will allow the student to graduate in a timely manner.

What if the degree plan a student was following is suspended or deleted during a military leave of absence?


If the degree program a student was following is no longer offered upon return from an MLOA, the appropriate advising area will work with the student to find another degree program that will allow the student to graduate in a timely manner.

What if a student’s degree plan expires while on a military leave of absence?


Undergraduate degree program requirements are valid for six years. If an MLOA causes a student to need more than six years to complete a degree, the student may move to a newer degree plan or request an extension of the current degree plan through his/her College (with approval from Academic Affairs).


For graduate students, the Plan of Study documents are “living” documents that are revised with advisory committee oversight as the student progresses through his/her graduate studies. Coursework required for the student to complete his/her degree will be revised as necessary upon return from an MLOA.


College of Veterinary Medicine students may request an extension of the six-year DVM time limit by contacting CVM Student Services (112 McElroy Hall, 405.744.6961,

What if a student doesn’t finish incomplete course work before the one-year maximum time limit for incomplete grades?


If service during MLOA prevents a student who received an incomplete grade from completing the coursework within the one-year maximum time limit, the Dean of the student’s College may request a one-year extension of the incomplete by written notification to the Office of the Registrar. If service during MLOA interrupts coursework in such a manner that the student and instructor determine it is not feasible to complete the course upon return from service, the student may petition to retroactively drop the course and receive a refund of tuition and fees by completing and submitting appropriate forms from the Office of the Registrar website. Petition deadlines are extended if the reason for the petitions is documented military service during MLOA, related injury, or other related consequences.