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Understanding Proxy Access (for Advisors)


Students will be able to authorize view-only access to their Self-Service account and/or authorize university officials to discuss education records with a parent, guardian, spouse or other 3rd party using the Proxy Management feature in Self-Service. Students can use the Proxy Management tab in Self-Service and set up proxy access customized for each person they wish to authorize. For proxy set-up and options, please

How can I tell if a student has authorized proxy access for someone?


Using Application Navigator, go to GPAPRXY and enter the student’s Banner ID and select Go. The name of the authorized proxy will be listed in the Name field of the top block. If the student has more than one proxy, use the arrows (at the bottom of the top block) to navigate until you find the proxy record needed.


Once the proxy is located, the proxy will need to provide the Passphrase listed to confirm their identity. Once identity has been confirmed, view the information in the Page Authorization List (in the bottom block) to determine what information the student has authorized the institution to share with the proxy (indicated by a check in the Auth Ind box). If the first box is checked (University officials may discuss all education records with proxy), you are authorized to discuss any educational information with the proxy. If the first box is NOT checked, you may ONLY discuss information on a Self-Service page for which a box is checked.


Graphic showing Proxy Access Management Form in Banner.

What does it mean if the student authorizes the parent/proxy to discuss with University officials any and all details of my student education records?

While the majority of the options on the Proxy Access Authorizations tab allow a student to grant a parent/proxy view-only access to specific Self-Service pages, checking the first option (University officials may discuss all education records with proxy) authorizes the proxy to discuss any student educational records with University officials, after the proxy’s identity has been verified.


Image showing checkbox allowing proxy to discuss educational records with University officials.


It does NOT permit proxies to request official documents, make changes to records, or otherwise conduct educational business on the student’s behalf.

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