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Banner FAQs for Advisors


Why are all of the section numbers 0?


In Banner, section numbers still exist, but only the default 0 section number has functionality:

If a section number other than the default 0 is manually entered, we can’t copy that section to create another new section. The Registrar’s Office must create every section in Banner for Fall 2016, Spring 2017, and Summer 2017 by hand, and relies heavily on the ability to create new sections by copying existing sections.


  • Banner tuition/fee assessment can’t recognize section number patterns.
  • Section numbers don’t have to be unique, and aren’t part of a section’s unique identifier in Banner.
  • The CRN (course reference number) is the unique section identifier.
  • Banner has many other ways to identify/search for different types of sections:


Section Property

Banner Field


Campus code

Honors course

Attribute (HONR) and Long section title


Attribute (OUTR or OUTE)

Activity/schedule type

Schedule type

Short course

Start and end dates, and Part of Term

Traditional classroom or online instruction

Instructional method

Travel course

Location (building/room) and Section comments

Special tuition/fee charges

Attributes (OUTR or OUTE) and Class Fee Details

How can I quickly find all classes that carry a specific general education designation (e.g., D, I, H)?


General education codes are designated in the class schedule as class attributes. In Self-Service, select Class Schedule under Faculty Services, and select the term. Select all of the Subjects by selecting the top subject and then pressing Shift + End. In the Attribute Type box, select the general education code, and click the “Class Search” button at the bottom to see the results.

What is the best way for advisors to view details about all sections of a specific class (like SIS 105 screen)?


The best way for advisors to view class section data is to use Browse Class Schedule. This Class Schedule Search allows multiple ways to search for class sections offered in a given semester. After selecting a term, you can enter your search criteria in the fields provided, or click the Advanced Search link.

I already cleared the advisor Hold for my advisees before the semester began, and now some of them have another advisor Hold. Why?


Although most students will be able to drop classes online after the nonrestrictive drop/add deadline (through the W drop deadline), the following populations of students are likely to need additional advisement before making changes to their class schedule after the nonrestrictive period, and will have a new advisor Hold added at the beginning of the restrictive drop/add period (the 7th class day):


  • All new freshmen and undergraduate transfer students in their first semester
  • All international students
  • Concurrent high school students

Will students still need a drop card with an advisor’s signature to drop a class after the nonrestrictive drop/add deadline?


Most students will be able to drop classes online (without an advisor’s signature) through the W drop deadline. Exceptions include:


  • Dropping all classes is not allowed online (must submit Withdrawal Form).
  • Students with registration holds will not be allowed to drop classes online, but can drop via the Registrar’s Office (signed drop card required).
  • Select populations will have new advisor Holds added at the beginning of the restrictive drop/add period (7th class day), and must consult with their advisor before making any changes to their schedule (see FAQ #7 above).

Will students still need an add card with signatures from their advisor and the class instructor to add a class during the restrictive drop/add deadline?


Yes, students who wish to add a class during the restrictive add period (typically the 7th – 10th class day) must obtain signatures from both the class instructor and their academic advisor on a drop/add card, and provide it to the Registrar’s Office within the restrictive add deadline. Adding a class online is not possible during the restrictive period.

How are registration permits/overrides handled in Banner?


There are multiple types of registration permits in Banner, each of which overrides different kinds of registration restrictions (find details about Common Registration Issues here):



Permit Type

Restriction it Overrides

Who can give Permit?

Department Approval

Special approval

Department Head

Outreach Approval

Special approval

Outreach Office

Instructor Approval

Special approval

Instructor or Department Head

Prerequisite Override

Enforced pre- or co-requisites & test scores

Advisor, Instructor or Department Head

Student Degree Program Override

Specific degree, college, classification, major, option, and/or minor

Department Head

Student Attribute Override

Specific student attributes (ex: Honors College)

Department Head

Mutual Course Exclusion Override

Enrollment in > 1 mutually exclusive (or overlapping) courses

Department Head

Duplicate Course Override

Enrollment in >1 section of same course in the same semester

Department Head

Maximum Cumulative Hours Limit Overrride Cumulative maximum hour limit for variable credit courses Department


Most registration permits can be given to students electronically:


  • Department heads and their designees will give permits via INB.
  • Instructors give permits via Self-Service.
  • Advisors will give prerequisite overrides via advisor Prerequisite Override online form on the Faculty/Staff SharePoint site.

Permits which require permission from multiple entities must still be handled via paper permission and brought to the Registrar’s Office for processing:


  • Adding a class during the restrictive add period requires signatures from the class instructor and the student’s academic advisor on a drop/add card.
  • Time conflict overrides require written permission from the instructors of both classes involved in the time conflict.
  • Students seeking to register in a class with a level restriction (ex: restricted to Graduate students only) require special permission – see details about documentation required for different types of level restrictions here.
  • Permission to enroll in excessive hours requires a completed excessive hours petition.

When a student is granted a registration permit, does that automatically register them in the class?


Registration permits do not automatically register a student in the class. Students will receive email confirmation when permits are granted instructing them to register themselves online.

When I click on Add or Drop Classes in Self-Service, why is it asking me for the Student PIN?


Banner registration is designed to empower students to handle their own registration via Self-Service throughout the semester. advisors will be able to drop/add students from classes only with the student’s permission, in the form of the student providing his/her Banner PIN to the advisor. advisors can only obtain the Banner PIN from the student, and students can request to receive their Banner PIN by logging into their O-Key account and selecting Request Banner PIN.

Where can we see if a student has earned an Associate’s degree in Banner?


Prior education details (including institutions attended and degrees earned) and test scores can be found from the Advisor Student Profile in Self-Service. Click on the Prior Education and Testing link on the left panel, and the details will display on the right side of the screen. 

How do I release advisor holds from Self-Service?


Find detailed instructions on releasing and reinstating advisor registration holds here.

Can I download a list of my advisees?


Advisors can download a list of their advisees from the Advisee Listing within the advisor Student Profile. Once in the Advisee Listing, use the Tools icon (the wheel in the upper right corner of the page) to export your advisee list to Excel. If you have a filter applied to your advisee list and then export your advisee listing, only the filtered students we be in the exported file.

Where can I view midterm grades for my advisees?


Advisors can view midterm grades in Self-Service as soon as they have been submitted via the following options:


  • View Grades, from the Additional Links section of the advisor Student Profile
  • Registration History
  • Active Registrations

Where can I view final grades for my advisees?


Advisors can view final grades in Self-Service as soon as they have been submitted via View Grades from the Additional Links section of the Advisor Student Profile.


Final grades can also be viewed by advisors in Self-Service after the term has been put into history (typically the Friday after finals week) via the following options:


  • Academic Transcript
  • Registration History
  • Active Registrations