Enrollment Guide Fall 2025
This guide includes fall enrollment dates, key fall term dates to remember, and additional resources. Currently enrolled students who wish to enroll for the fall term should schedule a meeting with their academic advisor 1-2 weeks before their enrollment date to plan their fall schedule and have their advising hold cleared.
Enrollment Dates
Dates to Register |
Overall Earned Hours |
March |
24 |
Priority and Graduate Students |
Seniors |
25 |
115 or more |
26 |
110 or more |
27 |
105 or more |
28 |
100 or more |
31 |
90 or more |
Juniors |
April |
1 |
85 or more |
2 |
80 or more |
3 |
75 or more |
4 |
70 or more |
7 |
65 or more |
8 |
60 or more |
Sophomores |
April |
9 |
50 or more |
10 |
Transfer Enrollment Day 50 or more (Virtual) |
10 |
Tulsa Transfer Enrollment Day 50 or more (In-Person) |
14 |
40 or more |
15 |
35 or more |
16 |
30 or more |
Freshmen |
April |
17 |
20 or more |
18 |
Transfer Enrollment Day 20 or more (In-Person) |
21 |
15 or more |
22 |
10 or more |
23 |
Open for all continuing students and non-degree seeking students |
Learn more about orientation and enrollment programs and dates for new students. For a printable list of enrollment dates, click here.
Fall Dates to Remember
Full Term (August 18-December 12)
Full Term (Part of Term 1) August 18-December 12 Late Enrollment Fee
(Assessed if initial enrollment occurs on or after this date)
Monday, August 18 Date Classes Begin
Monday, August 18 100% Refund, Nonrestrictive Drop/Add Deadline*
Monday, August 25 Partial Refund, Restrictive Drop/Add Deadline*
Friday, August 29 University Holiday
Monday, September 1 Deadline to Apply to Graduate
(for name to appear in Fall Commencement Program)
Monday, November 3 W Drop/Withdrawal Deadline*
Friday, November 7 Students' Fall Break (NO CLASSES)
Monday-Wednesday, November 24-26 University Holiday
Thursday-Friday, November 27-28 Assigned W or F Withdrawal Deadline*
Monday, December 1 Pre-Finals Week
Monday-Friday, December 1-5 Class Work Ends
Friday, December 5 Final Exams
Monday-Friday, December 8-12 Graduate Commencement
Friday, December 12 Undergraduate Commencement
Saturday, December 13 *Visit Drop/Add and Withdrawal Deadline Details for more information.
A University Holiday falls within the semester. If the scheduled classes do not meet, additional class time or assignments may make up the difference.
Short Courses with Unique Drop/Add Deadlines
Visit Short Courses with Unique Drop/Add Deadlines for unique drop/add and refund deadlines that apply to short courses. Additional deadlines apply to graduate students. See the Graduate College Academic Calendar.