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Proxy Access – Discuss Student Education Records with University Officials


Please select your student’s school from the list of OSU A&M institutions below:

Oklahoma State University (Stillwater/Tulsa)


The quickest, easiest way for parents to receive information about their student’s grades, class schedule, financial aid or other student information is for the student to provide it to the parent, or for the student to grant the parent Proxy Access to that information (or Authorized User access to billing information). If you are a proxy whose student has authorized you to discuss student education records with University officials, please read the important information below:


  • Proxy Access permits you to discuss your student’s educational records with University officials.
  • This authorization does NOT permit you to request official documents, make changes to records, or otherwise conduct business on your student’s behalf (ex: order transcripts, add/drop classes).
  • Depending on the level of access granted, University officials may discuss details of educational records with authorized individuals, including grades, class schedule, academic standing (probation, etc.), disciplinary records, and billing information. It excludes sharing information from police or University medical records.
  • Authorized proxies must first confirm their identity to University officials according to the federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) guidelines before education records can be disclosed.
  • Proxies will be required to identify themselves with their proxy Passphrase before University officials may discuss education records over the phone. If you don’t know your Passphrase, your student can confirm it for you and send it to you via email from within the student Proxy Management area of Self Service.